randstad global.

This Randstad Group Policy is the local translation of Randstad Global's 2019 Business Principles Policy.

Randstad is the global leader in HR services. By combining the passion of our HR professionals with the power of today's technology (our Tech & Touch strategy), we want to create an experience that is inherently more human. We call this Human Forward. Our ultimate goal is to play a role in the working lives of 500 million people worldwide by 2030. As we work towards this goal, Randstad recognises the need to always act with integrity and respect human rights, in line with Randstad's core values and these Business Principles.

Randstad recognises that we also have a responsibility to our external relations. The Business Principles apply equally to our contacts and dealings with our candidates, customers, suppliers and other business partners and Randstad encourages an active dialogue with stakeholders in the world of work.

As an acknowledgement of this responsibility, Randstad is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and respects and supports its ten principles1 on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. We are committed to making the Global Compact principles part of Randstad's strategy, culture and day-to-day operations, and as such the ten principles are considered part of our Business Principles.

The Business Principles are our minimum standards, which apply to all Randstad representatives, including our employees and directors; nobody may violate them. Some Business Principles are worked out in more detail in separate Randstad policies and procedures if necessary.

business principles

randstad group.

to know

We are experts. We know our customers, candidates, suppliers and other business partners. In our business, it is often in the details.

  • We are aware of and respect international human rights principles, Randstad's internal policies and procedures, and the laws governing our business operations.
  • We know and respect competition and anti-trust laws.
  • We are aware of and respect the laws on insider trading and market abuse in relation to Randstad shares or securities. 
  • We ensure that our documents (including those containing personal information) are created, used, stored and destroyed in accordance with the law.

to serve

Our success is the result of a collective belief in service excellence that exceeds the demands of the industry.

  • We conduct our business in a fair and ethical way and avoid situations that could create or appear to create a conflict between Randstad’s interests and our personal interests.
  • We do not give, pay or accept bribes or anything of value that could create an undue influence or the appearance of improper conduct.
  • We neither give nor accept gifts or hospitality or any thing of value that could create an undue influence or the appearance of improper behaviour.

to trust

Wij zijn respectvol. Wij waarderen onze relaties en behandelen mensen goed.

  • Wij behandelen anderen eerlijk, handelen zorgvuldig en weloverwogen en respecteren mensenrechten. Wij tolereren geen enkele vorm van intimidatie of pesten.
  • Wij respecteren het recht op privacy, zorgen ervoor dat vertrouwelijke informatie vertrouwelijk wordt gehouden en maken geen misbruik van de vertrouwelijke informatie van anderen.
  • Wij misbruiken eigendommen van Randstad, waaronder hardware, software, systemen en databases, niet voor persoonlijke doeleinden.

simultaneous promotion of all interests

We see the bigger picture and take our social responsibility seriously. Our activities should always benefit society as a whole.

  • We value diversity and inclusion. We are committed to equal opportunities and do not discriminate on the basis of age, colour, disability, gender identity, marital status, nationality, race, ethnic origin, religious belief, cultural background, sexual orientation or any other irrelevant or illegal characteristics.
  • We do not associate with people involved in terrorism or other criminal activities.
  • We do not make contributions to candidates for public or private office, political parties or other political interest groups.

striving to perfection

We are always looking for improvements and innovations. We are here to satisfy our clients and candidates in everything we do, down to the smallest detail. That is what sets us apart.

  • Health and safety in our company has the highest priority for us. This applies to both our own employees and our candidates (temporary workers).
  • We ensure and provide complete, reasonable, timely, accurate and understandable contracts, documents and financial information.
  • We consider the environmental impact of our business and aspire to minimise it.

randstad business principles.


illegal practices.

Anyone who suspects a violation of these Business Principles may report it to Randstad.

He or she should first raise his or her concerns through normal (local) reporting channels, either through local management lines or regular local contacts, such as HR, legal, designated counsellors, complaints services, etc. Reporting to management is usually the quickest and most desirable route and also the best way to ensure a good and open working environment throughout Randstad Group.

If such local reporting channels are likely to be inappropriate or ineffective or if the person making the report finds it difficult to speak directly about his or her concerns, the Integrity Line, as set out in the Misconduct Reporting Procedure, can be used, but should be considered as a last resort.

All concerns reported to the Integrity Line are treated confidentially and with the full assurance that there will be no retaliation against any person making a complaint in good faith. Reports are investigated in a timely manner and, if necessary, corrective action is taken to resolve problems satisfactorily. Although reports to the Integrity Line can be made anonymously, disclosure of the identity of the person reporting the issue facilitates the investigation of the report.

Consult the Misconduct Reporting Procedure of Randstad. The integrity line can be reached as follows: