As Quality Control Equipment Specialist, here will be your following tasks and responsibilities:
High level expectations are:
• To be the representative of the user for the purchase, installation and qualification of new
• To manage the project for purchase of new equipment;
• To evaluate and coordinate with the stakeholders the requisite in terms of timelines, manpower
and budget of each department involved in the project (Qualification/validation – IT – QA, …);
• To prepare all documentation needed for the use in the laboratory: URS, change control, SOP;
• Act as a project leader for the installation and qualification of new lab equipment. Train
technicians to the utilization of these new equipment.
Mission responsibilities
Answer to all questions/requests from project leaders in term of user’s specifications;
Manage the project for the purchase of new equipment:
▪ Contact with the users, suppliers and purchasing department;
▪ Project management;
▪ Follow-up with department involved in installation and qualification: IT, Qualif/valid,….
▪ Respect of planning and budget;
▪ Presentation;
▪ etc
The QC Equipment Specialist will report to the Head of Qc. He/she will work in close collaboration
with the sponsors, the heads of laboratories, Team leaders, specialists and technicians of the laboratories.