Patrick Slaets is a chief data analyst with technology federation Agoria and involved in the study Shaping the Future of Work. 'The future of production workers will require them to act, but to think as well.'

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'Production workers will need more competencies in 2030 than they do today. Robots will take care of repetitive tasks, but the thinking will still be up to us. It will be up to the worker, and it will be more demanding than today as a result of the increasing digitisation in the workplace.'

feedback from the operator

For example: 'A worker in a metal processing company is working with high tech machines. Those are operated with a computer or a tablet; devices that inform the worker about the performance of the machinery.'

If engineers and designers want to improve those machines further over the coming years, they need feedback from the operators working with those machines on a daily basis. 'Communication will become a hugely important competence for production workers. They won't need to be AI experts, but they will have to understand how the technology they are collaborating with works.'

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'in spite of digitisation, the human brain will be the most important asset in the workplace.'

Patrick Slaets is confident that the factory floor will not miss this boat. 'Employers and the government understand the importance of lifelong learning. Those graduating from school are ready to start their careers but they are not set for their entire professional lives. Everyone will have to continue learning throughout their life. 'In spite of the progressing automation and digitisation, the human brain will be the most important asset in the workplace.'

cobots helpen 50-plussers

'Een uitzondering is misschien de pure assemblage, het echte bandwerk. Bandmachines zijn digitale IKEA-plannetjes geworden. Hiervoor heb je geen geschoolde arbeiders nodig. Je kan er wel nieuwkomers mee laten instromen op de arbeidsmarkt, ook omdat de kennis van het Nederlands beperkt mag zijn. Bovendien heb je minder fysieke mankracht nodig. Cobots (collaborative robot) kunnen helpen bij de montage waardoor dit soort banen ook geschikt is voor bijvoorbeeld vrouwen of 50-plussers.'

werkbaar werk

'Maar eigenlijk geldt voor iedereen dat het meer dan ooit belangrijk is om zoveel mogelijk digitale vaardigheden op te steken. Via tablets en apps blijf je up-to-date, kan je je bijscholen. Ik merk dat die mentaliteit al leeft, al blijft er nog ruimte om onze productiviteit te verhogen. Zeker in vergelijking met Scandinavië of de Angelsaksische wereld.'

Daar mag trouwens iets tegenover staan, meent Patrick Slaets.

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 'Continuous learning needs to be compensated: flexibility, workable work...'