count on our guidance.
Our coaches assist job seekers in finding a sustainable job that suits them. They get to know themselves and the labour market and can count on our guidance, even after finding a job.

do you have a mediation voucher from VDAB?
You want to get back to work. In a job that suits you and in an environment where you feel comfortable. Randstad teams up with the VDAB to achieve this goal via a unique project involving the use of mediation vouchers (‘bemiddelingsvoucher’).

long-time job-seekers.
After a varied career, Juan found himself unemployed just before he turned 50. It will take him three years to return to work, a period during which he has reviewed his ambitions: his new job would serve a good cause.

returning to work after retirement
Leo (78) has been retired for thirteen years, but he is still active. ' Quitting work? As long as you're healthy in body, you have to make sure your mind gets satisfaction too.'

returning to work: after illness.
After the long treatment and rehabilitation of an aggressive form of breast cancer, returning as a career coach at Randstad was not an option for Lydia (61), physically or mentally.

returning to work: long-time job seekers.
Just as her own business was gathering steam, Lieve was told she had breast cancer. What followed was a tough treatment, which also gave her a different outlook on life and work.
discover her story
find a job without higher education or experience.
While it seemed like his friends knew one by one which direction they wanted to go, the road from school to a job for Simon did not go as he had expected. He actually had no feeling for the fields of study he chose.... .

returning to work: long-time job seeker.
For four years, Alesia spent every day ploughing through the job vacancy sites: 'every day I searched for vacancies. I kept hearing that I didn't have enough experience.'
discover her story